This is the fleet excellence award, you need to buy the "E" attachment separately.
Gold E:
Silver E:
Qualification for Silver:
Issued for: This Award is issued once per year to the Chapter which, after having won their Fleet’s Black Sphinx Cup Challenge, is named the winner of the RMN wide Black Sphinx Cup Challenge. Chapters from other naval services (GSN, IAN, RHN) are eligible to receive this award. This is awarded based upon the eff orts of the entire unit as defi ned by the criteria and rules set forth by the First Space Lord for the Black Sphinx Cup Challenge. Numbered Fleet Commanders shall submit their nominees to the First Space Lord in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth by that offi ce. The ribbon for this award is worn on the left side of the uniform and is the only group award so worn. If a Chapter has won their Fleet’s Excellence Award , the Gold “E” will be exchanged for the Silver “E” if they are named the winner of this award in the same year. If a chapter has previously won their Fleet’s Excellence Award, but did not win this award in the same year, and later wins this award, then they will be entitled to wear both ribbons (one with the Gold “E” and one with the Silver “E”, with the Silver “E” award having higher placement in the ribbon rack). Subsequent issuances of this award after the fi rst will be denoted by the addition of a maximum of two (2) RMN bronze stars to the ribbon, beginning on the left side of the “E” and alternating thereafter with each subsequent award. If enough awards are earned, the normal bronze stars can be replaced with the star with a wreath as needed.
Issued by: First Space Lord
Order of Precedence: 45
Frequency: Once per calendar year
Qualification for Gold:
Issued for: This Award is issued at the end of each year to the Chapter chosen by their Fleet Commander (whether through the Black Sphinx Challenge or other Fleet Challenge rules) to be the best chapter in the Fleet. Chapters from other naval services (GSN, IAN, RHN) are eligible to receive this award. Numbered Fleet Commanders are free to set the rules for the units in their Fleets, but those rules must be made available to all chapters in the Fleet and the criteria should be made clear for all to understand. In order for an individual Fleet’s winner of the Fleet Excellence Award with Gold “E,” the winner must have been selected in accordance with the rules and challenges set forth by the First Space Lord for the Black Sphinx Cup Challenge. Subsequent issuances of this award after the fi rst will be denoted by the addition of a maximum of two (2) RMN bronze stars to the ribbon, beginning on the left side of the “E” and alternating thereafter with each subsequent award. If enough awards are earned, the normal bronze stars can be replaced with the star with a wreath as needed.
Issued by: Unit Commanders down to the numbered fleet level
Order of Precedence: 46
Frequency: Once per calendar year