Regimental unit patch for The Montanero Regiment.
This patch is worn on the left arm of any Royal Manticoran Marine Corps member assigned to a MARDET in 3rd Fleet's AOR.
Any Marine who is on a ship in 3rd Fleet will wear this patch.
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Awesomly Handsome
Well when we first had these made up they were sort of stashed away waiting for final Okie Dokie by BuNine and the rest. When they gave out the initial orders on size of the patch and style it was clear what needed to be done. I made up two initial designs in pencil and coloured pencil, then had help making them into nice graphics. After some discussion with the 3rd Regt CO we came up with two designs to choose from and the overwhelming response was this one. I am proud to have helped design this and wear it on my old 3rd Regt Work shirt.